One of the most heartbreaking things about the Boulevard story is knowing that victims speaking out is the exception (and a brave action that can’t be overapplauded). Genuine fear of professional repercussions as well as fear for personal safety keep people silent. Just... bad.
Even I continue to keep mum over things that have happened to ME, by brewers/breweries people LOVE. But after discourse resulted in discussions about where I live and (completely unfounded) threats of litigation, I’m just never going to go public with it.
My family’s safety isn’t worth any number of pats on the back or RTs. It just really, really sucks that fear will keep situations like that under the rug, where people like me have to watch other people sing the praises of absolute shitbags.
Don’t bother asking me about it. Unfortunately, it’s just one example of rampant shitbaggery from one guy at one brewery one time. Stories like this are a dime a dozen. Anyway, anyone with the guts to go public is a fucking hero and that’s all I have to say about that.
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