What do I think about RobinHood?

I think it is being used to exploit people’s (justified) distrust of the stock market, to generate a crowd-sourced attack on our financial system while undermining faith in our economy.

Just like Facebook was used to attack our democracy.
I think Facebook’s use as a tool for those who want to attack western democracy is common knowledge at this point, so I won’t go into all of the details, but here is a thread with a couple other pieces of background. https://twitter.com/clearing_fog/status/1299473542019383298
What does this have to do with RobinHood?

In April 2016, RobinHood received the exact same kind of funding that Facebook did in 2009. https://twitter.com/clearing_fog/status/1354881823000514567
RobinHood is already under investigation by the SEC for highly questionable trading practices.

This happened in September. https://twitter.com/clearing_fog/status/1301322488677191680
So, when we see the social media-driven trading frenzy that is occurring today, we should not see it in a vacuum.

We should look at it in the context of other social-media driven “movements” where Kremlin financing was involved indirectly, with plausible deniability.
If you think “pfft, this is nothing more than a short squeeze in retail,” then you aren’t seeing the big picture.

Look at the narratives being created - the class war language and the fact that people involved believe they are in a Robin Hood fight against “the establishment.”
Remember that these ops *always* find legitimate grievances, and then use social media to amplify those exponentially, with the end result being chaos, division, and harm to institutions.

The target of this one is our financial system.

We ignore this at our own peril.
Also, keep in mind that every trade that is made on RobinHood indirectly creates profit for folks like Kushner and the Russian government.

I won’t be surprised if they are also using this to siphon more capital out of the US economy.

Cui Bono?
Someone just sent me this thread by @davetroy, and he is raising similar questions about all of this “organic,” activity.

When this cast of players is creating a narrative around a social media-driven “class war” against “establishment elitists,” then alarm bells should ring.
🚨 https://twitter.com/davetroy/status/1354729226738561029
GOP Kremlin stooges are framing this as a Republican-led “Occupy Wall Street,” (That was really fast, right?), and anonymous accounts are implying that the Biden admin is on the side of the ‘establishment elite.’
h/t @RighteousBabe4 @EGettier

We see where this is headed, right?
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