I sometimes think of the time in med school when I was shamed for drinking water.

An older doc was giving a ward tour to new MS3's.

I paused for a moment to take a sip from my water bottle.

He turned & glared at me, "I used to go ALL day without a SINGLE drink of water."

"I had no time to waste on bathroom breaks."

I just smiled and cheerfully replied, "I like to be hydrated!"

But I was embarrassed to be called out in front of my peers.

At the time, I was on a medication that gave me a dry mouth,

NOT that it was any of his business.

I'm so glad that the culture of the "superhuman physician" is being dismantled.

It's harmful nonsense.

Things med students & doctors need to stop being shamed for:

-drinking water
-needing sleep
-tending to their mental health
-literally just being human.

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