#LongCovid 🧵 I’ve worked in rehab for many years. I’ve spent my career promoting physical activity & exercise w marginal impact; most are uninterested. No matter what health condition, getting ppl to understand ⬆️moving = good, has not worked. But now I’m asking for caution 1/n
And I’m somewhat confused. I’m flummoxed. I’m dumbfounded. Now anyone appears to be rehab experts, promoting physical activity & exercise, despite calls for caution from lived experiences of potential harm from within & beyond, incl allies 2/n
Asking for caution, or at least a period of pause, to reflect on good intentions and mitigate unintended consequences, is not a big ask. It’s kindness and an evidenced based approach, to do no harm. Surely that’s our duty 3/n
I’ve needed to get this off my chest as I’m feeling frustrated. Like the majority of my career promoting movement has been ignored, and now my lived experiences and request for caution is also being ignored. 4/n
I’m not pointing the finger at anybody. I’m not criticising anybody. I’m not shutting down debate, discourse or dialogue. I want to have transparent, evidence based discussions that improve health, disability & well-being. 5/n
I have learned so much from other health conditions that I know have lived what I’m feeling for many years. Often living the harm. I’m so sorry this happened, and please know I’m raising my voice for everybody. 6/n
So maybe this is a clarion call ..... can we all just pause for a moment. Maybe consider some group working across borders, disciplines, beliefs, experiences, and approaches. Let’s come together, for the better good. We may not agree, but we can reach somewhere together. 7/end
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