
I see a viral tweet about disability & relationships so
time for a thread. @snarkbat @dreamwisp @mustangsart @BlindTemple

The idea a disabled partner is a burden is incorrect & toxic ableism. I married a competitive swimmer and ER Nurse who ... (1)
Was put into a wheelchair 3 months after we married from to a surgery. 8 years later & I never once considered her a burden. We just do some things different. But I’ve travelled more and lived more in 8 years with her than the previous 28 I had without ...(2)
It’s not easy, and we likely have gone through more in 8 years than many couples go through in 30, but every marriage has difficulties, ours are just more visible. My wife has been told by people how great “I” am just for staying with her. I laugh at them ...(3)
Because what did they think “In sickness and in health..” part of the marriage vows meant? Thanks @markgungor. And they don’t see how much my wife helps me. I have #PTSD from a very violent job and without her help (trigger) I probably would’ve committed suicide years ago ...(4)
I am good at things my wife is bad at, and she is good at things I am bad at. Just like every marriage.
We were buying baby stuff and the clerk asked who we buying for and got confused when we said it was for us. (she wasn’t rude btw, just confused)...(5)
Like a wheelchair lady and an ambulatory man couldn’t have a child with each other. Like seeing a unicorn. Interabled and disabled couples are just couples. We binge Netflix, ask each other what we want for dinner and fart in front of each other. ...(6)
She is in a wheelchair sometimes, I make YouTube videos with a talking dragon puppet. You tell me which one of us is the odd one. Bottom line - don’t be afraid to date a someone just because they are disabled. People are people & anyone could become disabled at any time. ...(7)
That’s the reality. No one is immune to becoming disabled. To paraphrase @danjlevy in schitt’s creek: “Love the person, not the label”. It’s always okay to love each other.
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