"The unfortunate events in GameStop this week may be building a dangerous precedent for markets whereby retail investors act en masse to leverage their buying powers to spark fragility events."

So do funds building massive shorts but I guess that's OK https://reut.rs/2Meiqz5 
Love hearing about how damaging the GameStop short squeeze was for market stability from the folks who brought us the Global Financial Crisis and the poo-poo platter of CDOs and derivates built on the poo-poo platter of garbage home mortgages. Hypocrites.
Short positions on GameStop was at one point 140% of the company's market cap. If that's not a "dangerous precedent for markets" of reckless funds who "leverage their buying powers to spark fragility events," I don't know what is.
If you go on that big a tilt and then become a target to a bunch of retail investors who are clearly telegraphing their intentions on public web forums AND you get walloped, you deserve whatever is coming to you. Full stop.
if regulators and investors are THAT worried about "fragility events," they can go ahead and set more stringent restrictions on short positions and other potentially market-altering activities. The fact that they are going after the retail guys suggest otherwise.
Could there be some manipulation going on behind the herd behavior that formed behind GameStop and other stocks from retail investors? Sure. Is there any consequence for hedgies and other funds who engage in such activities that trigger global recessions? No. Is that fair? No.
Market regulation and the principles behind the system is clearly broken if the big bad hedgies have to be protected from a bunch of retail investors because of this one rare time when the snowflakes got punched in the mouth.
I don't know about y'all but as far as I am concerned the system should work to protect the retail guys against the bid bad hedgies, not the other way around. What has transpired over the past few days is another reminder of how things are not the way they should be.
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