I have too much other stuff to do today but the conspiracy fiction that Citadel blocked GME on Robinhood to get payback for Melvin is sheer stupidity. Good explanation here https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=25945770
Like, obviously, billionaires fight back. But also as @moorehn has kept saying, Melvin isn’t even remotely a relevant entity. No one cares about Melvin. Citadel refusing to continue quoting. They are acting like a market maker.
Yes, the game is rigged to benefit the status quo and those in power. That’s always been the case. Hasn’t that been the thesis of the whole WSB thing, that the game is rigged? Why act surprised when the market pulls itself back.
If anything, this should just be yet another reminder as to why Robinhood is bad and shouldn’t be used. Don’t use fake brokerages if you want real autonomy with your trades. Us retail investors are on the bottom for a reason.
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