*** THREAD ***

What Happened After Parkland: What will never see the light of day, because people won't accept it
February 14, 2018 was a horrible day.

The Parkland massacre will always remain a horrible memory.

Not just for the families of the slain and injured, but for all Americans who empathized with the children and their families.

But I'm not here to talk about that day.

I want to talk to you about the world that's all around you and me, yet we don't even perceive its existence.

I want to talk about something so depraved, once I understood it, that you will doubt me, attack me, even ridicule me when I talk about it.

Southeast Florida is a beautiful place.

It's also been the hotbed of organized crime activity for quite some time.

More recently, particularly since the early 1990s it has been, along with Brighton Beach, NY, a place where Jews from the former Soviet Union have emigrated.

Before you get it into your head that I'm some kind of antisemite, let me assure you that my thread is not an anti-Jewish screed. On the contrary, I bring this up because I want you to fully understand the history here.

For those well-versed in contemporary Russian history,

Jewishness invited oppression from those in power in the USSR.

Over the course of many decades, oppressed minorities in the USSR searched for other means to take care of themselves and their families.

This is the story of how Russian organized crime spread in the USSR.

The collapse of the Soviet Union created a vacuum that was quickly filled by Russian organized crime.

Here in America, it should come as no surprise that Jewish Russians settled in Jewish neighborhoods...again, largely in areas like Brighton Beach and Miami/Ft. Lauderdale.

So now you understand a little more about why Trump loves Mar-a-Lago and why I roll my eyes when people call Trump and antisemite.

His daughter even converted to Judaism when she married Jared Kushner.

The point is that, thirty years later, the Russian mob has quite a large presence in Southeast Florida, which is also helpful to them given SE Florida's proximity to Cuba, which is still in practice more or less a Russian satellite or at least a solid international partner.

So now you have the backdrop, and understand the layout of SE Florida a little better, and begin to understand how Broward County is home for people like Roger Stone and former Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel.

Just down the road from Parkland, in Delray Beach, you can find the headquarters for an international arms dealer called Century International Arms.

They import Romanian & other AK-47 components, assemble them in the US and sell them. Their associated ammunition brand is

called "Red Army Standard Ammunition".

The collapse of the Soviet Union led to a massive new market in which post-Soviet weaponry flooded the global market, largely fueled by Russian organized crime.

For reference, see: Douglas Farah's and Steven Braun's "Merchant of Death: Money, Guns, Planes, and the Man Who Makes War Possible"

Ironically, it was an investment banker in South Florida who once, in a fit of brutal honesty, once told me:

"The greatest fortunes are made on the backs of other's misfortunes"

So true. So very true.

And that is precisely how Russian organized crime works.

If you have watched what happens in America after major mass shootings, as I have, you have probably observed a few things.

You have probably noticed that we immediately dive headfirst into a debate over gun control vs. gun rights.

If you're me, you're tired of this debate, which is formulaic.

The dialogue is never productive. Both sides yell at each other. Both sides become more polarized. Fear of gun control is marketed to middle American gunowners *not only by the NRA*, but also by gun control

advocates, albeit almost always unintentionally.

Gun and ammo sales soar. NRA memberships rise.

And rarely anything is accomplished, from a policy perspective.

Here's the embarrassing truth...

Mass shootings are a marketing dream for the arms industry, in part because

of the existence of gun control advocates.

But there's a flip side to the economics of school shootings.

And I am sorry we have to have this conversation, but no one else IS.


Because mass shootings are what they are, which is to say they're shocking, traumatizing, and affect us on such a deep emotional level, there's another market, for all of us who watched in horror and want to do something to prevent such evils from ever occurring again.

So I want to prepare you a little...

What if, and bear with me here...what if someone figured out how vulnerable the American public and their pocketbooks are, after mass shootings?

Let that stew a little. I want to talk about what Qanon did after Parkland.

Why does Qanon exist?

Why do they spew conspiracy theories?

And what possible reason would there be to propagate Qanon conspiracy theories, particularly right after the Parkland shootings?

Remember the conspiracy theories?

They were almost as offensive as the shootings themselves BECAUSE THEY TARGETED THE PARKLAND CHILDREN.

Qanon tried to suggest that those kids were "crisis actors".

They had the unmitigated GALL of suggesting the unthinkable.

And what did this accomplish?

It made any discussion about children, or the questionable use of children for promoting a political agenda...impossible.

When I heard about Qanon's sex trafficking conspiracy theories, then it all made sense.

And let me tell you WHY...

Phew. Here goes...

Do you know how the Russian mob operates?

If you're in, your kids are in.

And when your kids have kids, they're in too.

There's no getting out. There's no retirement plan.

Only death. And, you hope that's via natural causes.

Never real thrilled about the Democrats, Jeff gets kinda testy if you suggest that he might be involved in anything, well, unsavory.

Oh, and he really likes Vova.

Jeff, if you haven't figured out yet, is the father of Cameron Kasky.

But we'll circle back to that.

If you have followed me for awhile, you may have read my thread on human trafficking.

If not, please read this thread, including another thread it contains, discussing UNICEF...and George and Amal Clooney...


This is important, because I want you to see the world differently, without the comfort of your internal biases.
I don't want to steal any innocence you feel you have left.
I want you to see the world as it really operates.
And I am sorry if I'm tearing down facades.

But there are a few things I want you to understand about March for our lives.

Have you seen their Form 990?

Why are they giving so much money to hard-core conservative companies like Harbinger LLc?

And when I say hard-core, I mean HARD-CORE.

The last thing I want to do here is target kids.

What I'm trying to show you is that people exploit kids, sometimes even their own kids, and sometimes they even go into business with them...the power behind the personality, if you will...

But let's take another look at that Form 990.

See Loeb and Loeb?

That's Hollywood, baby.

That's Jeffrey Katzenberg, George Clooney and it once was Harvey Weinstein.


It was wronge for Marjorie Greene to attack David Hogg.

VERY wrong.

Clearly, Greene is just the sort of individual having questionable intelligence who swallows up Qanon's lies without questioning them.

And while I won't attack the kids evidently being used to front-face March for your lives, I would ask who is influencing them to promote things I know to be very much aligned with Kremlin interests.


And it's all their timelines, all the time.

Anyway, I may add a part two to this thread, because there is certainly more. But that's enough for today.


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