The first image is what Tuanzebe received after yesterday's game. The other three images are what Martial's wife received.

I don't want to hear “they're not true fans”. This has nothing to do with football. This is a society issue. A human being issue.

It's disgusting.
The way some people speak about footballers on here — even if they're not racist — is repulsive for me. Some people are just fixated on being idiots and I'm sorry to come across like this. Just fix up, stop being emotional about stuff and be better.

It's gone way too far.
Even if I post something about a player I get random, IRRELEVANT-to-my-tweet responses about Martial or this player or that player. It's obsessive, continuous and just disrespectful. Being like that isn't a personality trait, it's a borderline mental deficiency.

Be better.
These things are human being issues. It's not just about racism. It's even just abusing someone. It's JUST football. It's not serious. People ask me how I'm fine when we lose. Why? It's not even a serious reason. It's literally because I understand it's just a game. That's it.
It doesn't take a heightened state of awareness to recognise this. It just takes people being a little more mature and for them to stop acting like their house has been burned down by criminals when their team loses. Some of the ways people respond to football is truly pathetic.
Yet, these things won't change much. Why? Because it's entertainment and people who abuse others, engage in "banter" which is really just disrespect under the guise of "haha, I'm funny" and more all get massive followings on here which encourages them to act even more stupidly.
However, I'm not about to rant in a 25-tweet piece as I don't think that would be beneficial.

Just calm down, stop being emotional and process things with maturity.

Football's irrelevant here. Be better people.
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