Hey #authormentormatch hopefuls,
Now's the time when the reality sets in that most of us will not get picked it sucks & it hurts. I've entered this & pitchwars numerous times (I've lost count). I've gotten requests less than half the time. It's numbers, subjectivity & luck 1/7
#authormentormatch When i had an agent I got her through good old fashion querying, but now I'm unagented because the agent left for another role in publishing and back in the query trenches. I entered AMM hoping to find someone to get me back on track. 2/7
#authormentormatch Gotta be honest, I got zero requests this time around. And I've had an agent before. So not getting picked has literally zero bearing on your ability. It's one chance to improve. It's not the ONLY chance to get there. 3/7
#authormentormatch Sure having a mentor is AMAZING, I've dreamed about how much this could help my writing career, but guess what, a good CP/beta reader can do the same thing a mentor can. Study up, find yourself some awesome CPs and shine that manuscript up. 4/7
#authormentormatch And once it shines, send it into the query trenches and see what happens. It may hit it may not (again luck & subjectivity). do some evaluation as to why adjust & try again. If this manuscript isn't the one, write something else. Publishing is a long game 5/7
#authormentormatch The people who get agents and publishing deals are the ones who keep going, the ones who don't quit. The ones who learn grow & keep writing. It sucks to hear no, but say thank you, next. Keep going and find those who will help pick you up when you fall down 6/7
not getting selected for #authormentormatch is not the end of the road, it's one step toward your publishing goals. Take time to mourn and be sad then pick yourself up, go out there and take the next step. You got this. And I'm excited to see all your shiny books one day! 7/7
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