I'm honored to partner with @SenMarkey on the introduction of the Environmental Justice Mapping and Data Collection Act of 2021, which will bring St. Louis to the forefront in the fight to end environmental racism.

Here's what it'll do and why we need it:

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It federally funds and creates an interagency committee to develop detailed mapping, down to the neighborhood, of specific environmental risk factors, including:
☁️ Air quality
⛽️ Fossil fuel infrastructure
🚔 Police violence
With the data that is collected, we'll be able to help direct 40% of @POTUS' climate investment towards disproportionately impacted communities.

That which gets measured, gets done. And St. Louis needs this to get done.
Why? Because in St. Louis, Black children are 2.4x more likely than white children to have lead in their blood and 10x as likely to go to the ER for asthma. We have a police department that leads the nation in killings — a disproportionate threat to Black people.
We need our climate legislation to make it resoundingly clear: environmental justice is racial justice. The Environmental Justice Mapping and Data Collection Act of 2021 is the first step in doing that.
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