It’s been a whirlwind week to say the least, and I’ve finally been able to reflect on what I’ve been thinking, so please buckle in for a LONG thread:

“Why I Want Roman to Sell Chelsea”
First, let me state I’ve been following this club a fairly long time. I’ve had the massive privilege and opportunity to see/do some amazing things, particularly as a foreigner: 18-hour away trips to Burnley; away to Baku for “Sufferball;” I’ve got to design flags/banners for the
for the ground; I’ve been there when we’ve won the league. There’s so many fantastic experiences to recount, and above all the best of these has been meeting hundreds of fans around the globe, many of whom are now close friends until I die, and seeing that CFC is far more than
than results, but rather a community from which there is no divorce.

I can’t express how eternally grateful I am for all of those things, and the large percentage of that gratitude or the massive part obviously played by Roman Abramovich. I’ve personally met the man and told him
told him as much. I don’t think any supporter would trade the last 15 years for another football experience (a la Arsenal’s.)

But as the years have gone on, I can see what was a previous callous indifference towards the supporters has become outright contempt, summed up this
this week by the dismissal of our greatest ever player as our manager. And this sacking hurts, not just because it’s FL, but rather how it speaks to the way the club is continually run, and that’s why I’m now firmly of the opinion that an ownership change needs to be made.
Since 2003, Roman has sacked 11 permanent managers to the tune of 110 million pounds in severance, an astronomically ridiculous number. And yes, some were justified, others we celebrated, and it’s led to a culture of win-at-all-costs that most of us have enjoyed.
But at some point, the shine of another Europa League trophy begins to fade as you consider what it’s taken to get there, what we’ve lost along the way, and just how we finally have reached a breaking point.
The club was faced with a desperate situation last year with a registration ban on any new players, a bang-above average squad and the sale of one of our greatest players ever. Frankly, pun intended, NO ONE thought this job was attractive for 19/20 and coupled with the fact the
last manager was immensely unpopular, Chelsea offered Frank the opportunity to build what we all thought was the new way forward, predicated by youth development, attacking football, and a calming patience to execute a multi-year project leading to European dominance.
FL massively overachieved, reaching a cup final and securing UCL football in a year we probably deserved neither, and his reward for that was at the first sign of trouble in 20/21, to be sacked ingloriously for yet another foreign manager with no ties to the club, no promises to
build upon the same vision, and absolutely no guarantee he would be given any time to be successful himself.

You can debate the sacking of FL all you want, but while many of us are upset with that alone, some are also upset that we recognize this as a breaking point:
If FL wasn’t given time, who will? If not now, on the heels of promoting 5 academy graduates to the first team successfully, when? What is the point of supporting any manager when it will inevitably end the same, trophies or not?
The way we have done things is both unsustainable and now undesirable. Financially, there may be money for more payouts going forward, but the emotional bank is very nearly on empty. Changing out managers with a core of legendary players who delivered is fine; doing so for two
two handfuls of absolutely bang average PL players shows a complete lack of recognition of where we are as a club.

I spoke earlier of callous indifference turning to contempt for supporters. FL’s sacking shows it clearly. He wasn’t given time until the end of the season because
1) the board reckons Top 4 and UCL monies can still be secured and 2) by doing so now, they will not face a braying mob viciously letting them have two earfuls worth from the stands. It’s exactly the type of cold calculation from a club whose only long-term plan is this:
to extract as much money from our wallets before casting us aside and moving on to the next.

Our chairman and our chief executive refer to us not as a football club but a “brand.” They refer to us not as supporters, but as “customers.”
They dangle our greatest-ever player in front of us, the prospect of change, unity and good feelings - and then very intentionally dismiss him without without fans in the ground and without giving us a chance to say goodbye (the second time I may add.)
Chelsea FC cares only 2 things: making money and winning things to make more money. The only actual football people employed at this club are constantly dismissed every 1-2 seasons in favor of a board consisting of lawyers, personal secretaries, financial advisors answering not
to point totals but financial spreadsheets.

I’ve had enough. Because it’s clear now that no one will be given time to do things a different way, and a different way is needed. If you care only about results, care about this: This will be the 4th straight season in which we’ve
not challenged for the league. The longest previous streak under Roman was HALF that. The most realistic trophy we can win this season is the FA Cup, which would require just about matching our performance from last season, and leaving us exactly where we were at the end of 17/18
– probable UEL football and a domestic cup. Three years, three managers and absolutely no growth. Surely all of the people who care only about the results will recognize that?

I would like us to evolve under a new owner, who may have less money, but will surround him/herself
with football experts, offer patience and understanding for a manager building a vision, and appreciate us supporters for what we are – supporters and not customers. At the same time, an owner creating a new way of operating this club to modernize itself within the modern game
and ensure that other clubs doing the same do not completely surpass us until it’s too late.

Now I know a certain segment of reaction to this will be how I am ungrateful, plastic, uninformed, stupid, etc etc.
. For all the fan channels, podcasts, video shouting freaks and know-it-alls, if any, that want to seize on this for their own monetary and PR gain, God bless you. I’m not doing this for money, and I’m not doing this for likes/followers. I won’t be making any banners/flags
calling for a change. I won’t be enacting any silly boycotts. I’ll still be at the pub every weekend, still make my two annual overseas trips for matches, and will continue to sing for and support our players and whatever manager is at the helm. . I will celebrate when we win,
not be too fussed when we lose.

But overall, I've had enough and I want to see change at Chelsea, whether it be tomorrow or years from now. Thanks Roman, but if you are incapable or unwilling to run this football club as it deserves and we deserves, then it’s time to go.
You can follow @brienwulff.
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