Our success as a nation depends on whether all people, regardless of race or ethnicity, have the opportunity to thrive.

Over the last half-century, the increasing effectiveness of economic security programs has helped reduce poverty rates & inequities by race & ethnicity.
Government support today has equity implications for the future.

By easing the strains of poverty on families, government assistance has been found to boost children’s health, education, and long-term prospects; that promotes opportunity for all. #RacialEquity #CutChildPoverty
Between 1970 & 2017, Black child poverty fell by 32% points, Latino child poverty by 35% points & white child poverty by 10% points.

More than half of these declines were driven by the increasing effectiveness of govt assistance at lifting family income above the poverty line.
In 2017, govt benefits & taxes reduced white child poverty by 7% points, Black child poverty by 20% points & Latino child poverty by 16% points.

In contrast, in 1970 govt benefits & taxes increased white & Latino child poverty modestly & reduced Black child poverty by 4% points.
Still, we find large racial & ethnic disparities in poverty both before & after counting govt assistance & taxes.

These reflect historical & ongoing discrimination, public & private, that has limited opportunity in many ways including in housing, education, and employment.
Our findings emerge from a comprehensive assessment of poverty that blends the Supplemental Poverty Measure (SPM) with corrections for underreporting of SNAP, SSI and AFDC/TANF in survey data. We use the 2019 SPM poverty line adjusted for inflation.
The U.S. needs to adopt stronger policies to lower poverty like many other wealthy countries do.

These countries have similar (or even higher) poverty than the U.S. before counting govt assistance & taxes but have lower poverty after counting it due to their stronger policies.
The current crisis is causing an immense amount of hardship & widening racial and ethnic disparities.

This is why we need a robust #COVIDRelief plan that meets the urgent needs we face & helps us build towards a future with lower poverty & racial inequities.
The #Biden #Harris administration could substantially reduce poverty & racial disparities long term by expanding the scope & reach of effective policies, such as housing vouchers, tax credits & food assistance. #CutChildPoverty #SNAP #HousingForAll
In their first week, the #Biden #Harris admin has taken some very good first steps towards better policies by using their executive power to boost housing & food assistance & address racial & ethnic inequities.

Tomorrow’s executive order on #PublicCharge is also very important.
The truth is that we know how we could substantially reduce poverty. We just need policymakers to do it.

See for example, these two policy packages from an NAS panel which would cut in half both child poverty & the gap in poverty between white children & Black & Latino children.
Lasting progress in reducing poverty & racial disparities will require more than just recovering from the current crisis.

It will require policies that provide more help to households in need & that tackle head on inequities in education, housing, and employment.

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