Dear liberals, many of you have said things along the lines of "It's Biden's first week, he's already done great things, what's the issue with progressives?" In the case that this is a genuine question rather than rhetorical condescension, here's a thread on what our "issue," is
WHERE'S THE CHECKS? Over and over we heard Dem senate = instant $2K checks. Then it turned into $1,400, now even that number will go to negotiations with the GOP because Biden fetishizes bipartisanship when he doesn't need to. This can be passed with budget reconciliation TODAY.
WHERE'S THE COVID PLAN? "Trump has no plan for covid, I do." Sound familiar? Now Biden says "There's nothing we can do to change the trajectory of the virus." What? There's a hell of a lot of things we can do and we have to remind him of that as we approach 500k Covid deaths.
WHERE'S THE ANTI-WAR PARTY? Not long ago, dems were considered the anti-war opposition to Bush. Fast forward to Biden considering a reversal of Trump's order to remove troops from Iraq (18 year war!)Only thing wrong with Trump's order is that it would only remove *some* troops.
FOR REAL THO, WHERE?? Biden reversed the ban of transgender people from our military which is kind of a weird form of equality to celebrate. Now they have the same ability to kill innocent brown civilians in an unjust war that cisgendered people do... cool.
WHERE'S OUR WAGES? I'm pleasantly surprised by the $15/hour min wage bill but this fight started 10 yrs ago + now we wait 5 more yrs? It’s proposed to be tied to median wage growth which is particularly insulting because the median wage has only grown $2.54 over the last 40 yrs
WHERE ARE THE CHILDREN? Still in cages, that's where. Again, his order to end federal contracts with private prisons is good but why did it leave out the private prisons where immigrant children are abused daily? Why are they not deserving of freedom from for-profit captivity?
WHERE'S THE INTEGRITY? Biden halted a requirement that health centers provide insulin at a discounted rate to low-income patients after taking $145M from "anonymous donors." This is brazen corruption and it impacts the most vulnerable people during a pandemic.
WHERE'S THE URGENCY? Biden is spending part of his 1st few weeks in office speeding up the Harriet Tubman $20 bill. Don't get me wrong, she's a hero that should be honored but Ppl are desperate and could use a lot of those $20 bills right away whether Tubman's on them or not.
WHERE'S MED4ALL? I know I talked about this in my last thread but the fact remains, our healthcare system is not designed to for a pandemic and millions are uninsured. Why has there been 0 recognition of this and 0 conversation about covering more people, even temporarily?
WHERE ARE WE AT ON STUDENT DEBT? We went from canceling all student debt to $50k of it to $10k of it, to not talking about it. To be clear Biden wouldn't need congress for this. He could cancel 95% of debt through "compromise and settlement" authority but he is choosing not to.
WHERE'S THE WEED? Another thing Biden could do all on his own is reschedule cannabis as a less dangerous narcotic (effectively legalizing it.)I'm not saying this is week 1 stuff but ask yourself, could you really imagine Biden doing this?
WHERE'S THE TAX CUT REVERSAL? We got a report this week that Biden is planning to reverse *some* of the trump tax cuts. Why not all? Our tax policy was incredibly unfair to the middle and working class even before Trump and now we're keeping some of his cuts?
WHERE'S THE CLEAN WATER? It's been poisoned because Biden loves fracking. While Biden is getting praise for canceling the XL Pipeline (as he should), he just can't stop promising us to continue the poisoning of our water and air and continuing environmental racism.
WHERE'S THE #METOO MOVEMENT? There’s a credible sexual assault allegation that has never been dealt with in a serious way by the media and the people more broadly. What does it say to victims when we smear and ignore a potential victim of the most powerful man in the world?
Look, I would ❤️ for Biden to surprise me and pass great legislation. (canceling pipeline, rejoining paris climate agreement and reversing muslim ban ARE great!) But that isn't going to happen if people aren't willing to hold him accountable and push him to consider ideas that-
he doesn’t already. When you defend politicians regardless of their actions to benefit a political party, you are siding with them over the vulnerable communities that you claimed to be supporting when you voted for Biden in the first place.
So let's make a deal, I'll credit him when he does something great if you will fight with me to criticize him when he doesn't. Sound good?
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