Death Knell For Impeachment
If 45 out of 50 Republicans agreed with Paul that it’s unconstitutional, there’s no way 17 of 50 Republicans will vote to impeach, which is required for a two-thirds majority vote. So why have the trial at all & waste the people's time & money? But
it also makes some other important points, like listing the five Republicans who voted to proceed with impeachment. They’re pretty much who you’d expect: Sens. Susan Collins, Lisa Murkowsky, Ben Sasse, Pat Toomey & Mitt Romney. But note who’s not on that list: Mitch McConnell.
McConnell has been taking heat from the right for his comments about Trump committing an impeachable offense by inciting the Capitol riot, even though free speech is protected, “incitement” is a very specific term that doesn’t apply here, & we now know the Capitol assault was
being planned before Trump gave his speech.
But aside from all that, and no matter how much McConnell may have bad-mouthed Trump, it’s highly doubtful he would vote for an impeachment that he’s already on record as finding unconstitutional.
Paul’s resolution may
have failed, but he succeeded in proving that this alleged “impeachment” is not only mere political theater, it’s pointless-and-doomed-from-the-get-go political theater.
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