Selected observations on #SiteC from a top internat'l energy expert who doesn't want to be named. "There will never be a functional dam at #SiteC. The L-shape & the half-concrete, half-earthen dam designs are both novel & unproven, over and above the absent bedrock..." #bcpoli
...'For dams with anomalous situations, like #SiteC, you bring in 2 independent peer reviewers. In this case, there are 3 situations: no bedrock, the L-shape, & the half & half earth/concrete design (all 3 are unique on Earth; this is the only one) but... '
..'This is normally done before anything is approved. In the case of #SiteC, Milburn brings in two independent reviewers after $6bn has already been spent, and it's only on the absent bedrock. But there are two other issues outstanding...'
...1) for hydro utilities that have gone 34 years since their last dam [ie. BC Hydro], you need a good "buyer's engineer" whose global expertise will help the utility along. Here in BC, we have none..."
...2) similar to 1), you need an EPC contractor that has done at least 5 of these dams in the last 10 years of similar size. Acciona has done none. They own a total of 800mw in 50 diff. dams of miniscule size. No major corps bid on #SiteC, due to the obv. absent bedrock...
...& on the faulty economics of #SiteC's extremely expensive cost & thus electricity: 'Anyone thinking this new $$$$ power from #SiteC (the levelized cost of Site C is equal to the current Residential rate) will bring in additional sales, does not understand demand elasticity.'
..' #SiteC is proof positive that provincial premiers are actually medium-term dictators as there are no systems of checks or balances in place. In the US you have a Public Utilities Commission at the state level &
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission at the federal.' #bcpoli
..This is nothing that hasn't been pointed out by all of the numerous experts who have stood up to oppose #SiteC in the past few years. What I find most startling is the disjunction between what these experts say & what mainstream media says - or more accurately doesn't say.
PS Regarding Acciona, the Spanish corp that is 1/2 of the main civil works consortium at #SiteC, 'Peace River Hydro Parters' SNC, due to corruption it was debarred by the World Bank from bidding on any of its projects worldwide. But it's good enough for BC & #SiteC I guess
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