I have decided to put together this (fairly lengthy) thread on my thoughts of recent events - please read and let me know your thoughts:

First off, you may have noticed that I have held back tweeting quite as much as I usually do in the past day or two in an attempt to try and
and fully digest and come to terms with everything that’s happened in what has been a typically mad week at Chelsea Football Club. By all accounts, a really tough one for any true supporter of the club and arguably thee hardest in my time as a fan - I am totally aware and
appreciative of fans who are older than I am and have been through much worse. I don’t think it’s fair or necessary to make comparisons on twitter between this and losses of beloved Chelsea icons such as Peter Osgood, Matthew Harding and Ray Wilkins - god rest their souls.
Mind you, it is still very tough to take. Nevertheless, I would first of all like to apologise for any negativity I spread on Monday - like many of us, I was really caught up in the emotion of the announcements and everything that surrounded it - I am still disgusted by the
treatment of Frank and the behaviour of members of the board. I am absolutely gutted by the outcome and it will take me a long long time to recover from it. I know to some that will sound daft, but those 6 months or so following #FrankLampardsChelsea were some of the happiest
times I’ve ever felt supporting this club. I treasured every last moment and I’m really gutted it didn’t last longer than it turned out to. It was perhaps the most attached I have ever felt to Chelsea. Frank Lampard is my absolute idol - there are no words in the English
dictionary that come close to expressing the love I have for the man. Growing up, I just wanted to be Frank Lampard. He was like a god to me. Many of you will know exactly what I’m on about as I know you will have felt the same way. It was great having him at the club again and
part of me hopes it’s not the end of the love story. Time will tell. Anyway, we once again find ourselves entering a new era of management at this crazy football club. I haven’t spoken much about Tuchel since his appointment, but I would be lying if I said I’m not excited by it.
I made a comment the other day about the club constantly posting about him on the night of his appointment - this was not an anti-Tuchel comment and I still stand by this as I think this stunt from the official social media account wasn’t particularly considerate towards
supporters like myself who were hurting quite badly. Truthfully, I can’t claim to know much about his football yet - I watched bits of his PSG and Dortmund sides in the European Cup down the years but I can’t claim to have paid enough attention to comment. He speaks really well
and like many, I loved what I have seen from his press conference today. I particularly loved his nod to Frank and his legacy at Chelsea - a real touch of class and meant it a lot to me personally. One thing I do not like is how often I’ve seen people bragging about how many
passes we completed the other night - who cares, if we didn’t score - feel like this is just the Twitter virgins’ pathetic attempt to show Lampard supporters that they were right all along? Who knows, they are a difficult species to understand. As much as I wasn’t a fan of the
team selection, I understand that he will take time to learn about each player and discover a system that suits him and the resource at his disposal. Like any manager, he will have my backing for as long as he remains at Chelsea Football Club and I’m delighted to have him on
board, circumstances aside. As for some of the players, I still speculate and remain wary of some of their involvement within the recent events. I’m not going to say much more, but I really feel what’s happened was brushed off very easily. I suppose we’ll never know the full
truth, but I have my opinions (some quite strong) just like we all do. I’m going to keep these to myself for the time being as I think we need no more negativity among supporters - being unable to go to matches means that twitter is the only source of engagement and interaction
many of us have with each other. Let’s keep it friendly and just get behind the lads. A huge round of applause is in order to @onlyapound for the decision to give the ‘Player - Manager - Legend’ banner to the man himself - a gesture I’m sure he’ll really appreciate. Another
personal well done and thank you to those at @WeAre_TheShed on behalf of myself and other likeminded supporters. I agree with many of their comments and actions this week and feel that the protest towards the board is the right thing to do - we have the right to make it clear
that we aren’t happy, especially whilst our presence can’t be felt at games. In particular, I have endless respect for their choice to take down the ‘In Frank We Trust’ banner. I imagine this hurt them a lot - not because of the price, but because of what that manner meant to us
- it was the closest thing we could get to supporting Frank and the boys at our home matches. Hell, I haven’t found it in my heart to change my Twitter bio yet 😂 I’m just not ready to do it. I will soon though. I think if it were up to some people, the Bridge would still be
plastered with Sarri propaganda. These people will kick up a fuss when we sing ‘Super Frank’ when we eventually return - it is a completely different situation and as far as I’m concerned, if you can’t see that, you don’t have a clue - I made the comment yesterday to @chels_dar
about that time Sarri scoring his 212th goal for the club. I have nothing against Sarri, but I feel that ship has long sailed and in my eyes, it just wasn’t to be. On the other hand, Lamps and Chelsea is a never ending love affair that will never die and I will proudly sing his
name for as long as I live. I feel truly sorry for anyone that disagrees with this. I would like to say a huge thank you to Super Frankie Lampard, Jody Morris and the rest of his staff for his efforts with the club - I will follow your progress and back you wherever you end up in
the hope that you will one day return home (mind you, I wouldn’t blame you if you chose not to for the obvious reasons). I will not commit to making this “thank you” to be my ‘last’ - I wake up each and every day thankful for the happiness Frank has brought to me on a personal
level down the years and not a day goes by where I don’t think of it all. Nevertheless, the story goes on and as always, Chelsea Football Club is still here and so too are the loyal supporters, Stamford Bridge goers and World wide fans (you know who you are) and we wouldn’t have
it any other way. I wish Mr Tuchel all the best and can’t wait to get back to the Bridge (hopefully sooner rather than later) to support him and his mighty Chelsea side. Win or lose....

#FrankLampardsChelsea #ThomasTuchelsChelsea #WOLUTB #KTBFFH
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