I spent some time on #wallstreetbets this week, and here are some things people are planning to do with their new money:
-Get out of debt (often student loans)
-Buy and/or pay off mortgage for home
-Pay off parents' mortgage
-Pay for surgery (for pet, sibling, parent...)
-Donate to medical research (autism research is perennially popular, cancer research lately too)
-Buy meals/food for hungry people, give to food banks or homeless support orgs
-Support academic scholarship funds
-Some fun purchases too (pricey champagne, new car)
They even organized a separate subreddit community dedicated to charitable uses of stock market winnings: https://www.reddit.com/r/WSBGivesBack/  - People ask for advice, post commitments to give, share what good things they've already done with their money and encourage others to give too (3/4)
Yes, they want a nice lifestyle like most would, but calling them bored and greedy--especially in comparison to the hedge funds they're betting against (known for their generosity and moderation?!?)--is just lazy, bad reporting. And wildly misleading. Do better, @nytimes (4/4)
OK, (5/4) addendum: I can't get over the "perhaps" in, "perhaps propelled by a mix of greed and boredom." What do you mean, "PERHAPS"? People are discussing their motivations and willing to answer questions! Just do your job, and don't assign bad intentions through guesswork!
And adding a reply to the main thread: https://twitter.com/MattCrespi/status/1354846494210273283
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