Well, that wasn’t how I wanted this to go... I don’t see it as a badge of honor, or a reason to rejoice. It saddens me. Here’s the backdrop. I reached out to @seanfeucht a few months ago to talk & pray together. I had really hoped that would happen. Here’s how things went...
I didn’t know much about Sean until he made headlines for hosting maskless superspreader events on his national #LetUsWorship Tour. It became clear that his events were not only damaging to the reputation of Christians, but they were also endangering real lives.
I reached out to Sean in the spirit of Matthew 18 where Jesus says, “If your brother or sister sins, go and point out their fault, just between the two of you. If they listen to you, you have won them over.“

Sean told me he’d give me a call... and that never happened.
Then I heard from my friends @CreatingJustice & @davegibbons that Sean was planning an event on Skid Row, despite opposition from pastors & organizers who live & work on Skid Row. They didn’t want to put their community at risk, especially since many of them don’t have homes.
Sean didn’t listen.
Taking our direction from Jesus, we again reached out to Sean hoping he would listen to the 3 of us... Jesus put it like this: If your brother doesn’t listen when you confront them one on one, “Take one or two others along with you.”
Sean still did not listen.
Although Sean still refuses to talk or pray with us, we continue to offer an open hand to him. But we’re asking him to consider the harm he is doing. Even now, his website sells “Jesus Christ Superspreader” t-shirts...
making light of over 400,000 coronavirus deaths in the US.
What would Jesus do?
Not this, @seanfeucht.

Loving our neighbor means wearing a mask and protecting the vulnerable.
You can follow @ShaneClaiborne.
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