Lots of people in my replies saying "Germany is playing safe" "Germany isn't taking risks". But if you have millions of doses of a vaccine, which you *aren't* giving to the most at risk group, you *are* taking a risk by not offering those people protection. https://twitter.com/robfordmancs/status/1354794336672755717
I don't really understand the downside risk here. If the jab proves weakly effective, then you'll just have to jab this group again. Is that risky? Not very as far as I can see.

Whereas if the vaccine *is* effective, then you're condemning lots of ppl to get ill or die.
The risk of a negative consequence of *action* (ppl get jabbed & it doesn't work) is just massively more salient than the risk of a negative consequence from *inaction* (ppl get no jab, catch COVID, die). But the latter is, as far as I can see, much the bigger negative risk here?
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