CPS CEO @janicejackson says on @WBEZreset "there's no reason we can't reach a deal." She says negotiations have been narrowed down to a few issues and she's hoping for an agreement soon.

"It's in no one's best interests to see teachers go on strike," she says.
"Part of compromise is no one gets what they want," Jackson says, and she's willing to back off some stances

After hearing a clip from @stacydavisgates saying kids spread germs, Jackson says, "With all due respect, Vice President Davis Gates is not a physician nor a researcher."
Jackson says CPS will start vaccinating teachers the second week of February if not sooner.

But she adds that not everyone is going to take a vaccine, so it's not the only solution. Only 50% of health care workers who have been offered a vaccine have chosen to take it.
Asked on @WBEZreset if Monday is starting to look unrealistic for schools to reopen even if a deal is reached with CTU over the weekend, Jackson only repeats that she expects K-8 students and staff to be in schools Monday
And the new, more contagious and possibly more deadly variants of COVID that are making their way to the US?

@janicejackson says CPS is in constant communication with @ChiPublicHealth and will close schools if recommended
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