1/ @fordnation @celliottability @Sflecce
Why does Ontario have (by far) the strictest masking policy for school children in Canada? The majority of provinces allow masks to be removed while seated at desks, and while outside. https://twitter.com/kahnkidz/status/1354421177809305604
@Roman_Baber @anthonyfurey
2/Imagine a 6 year old having to put on a mask when they get on the bus in the morning and not be able to take it off until they get off the bus in the evening (except for a few minutes while eating). How clean will that mask be at the end of the day?
4/The study doesn't even take into account incidents of illness from bacterial infections or the psychological impact on younger children from abnormal non-verbal communication. https://twitter.com/DaFeid/status/1345815598224314369
5/Adult workers have opportunities to go outside and rest from masks for extended periods at break and lunchtime. What you propose is nothing short of child cruelty. NPIs are supposed to be proportional to the risk and must be balanced against harms. https://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/handle/10665/329439/WHO-WHE-IHM-GIP-2019.1-eng.pdf?ua=1
6/You need to make choices that puts the health of our kids first. The decision to mask kids all-day has clearly been made to appease militant unions and parents who have irrational fear of C19, not because scientific evidence exists that masking children is safe and effective.
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