After almost a year & a half of documenting @profosinbajo, perhaps the most reinforcing lesson that I have been able to pick out is the one of building strong, healthy habits that help to guide your life.

It would be an unusual day if I didn’t walk in on him in intensive study.
Initially, it wasn’t too surprising because, after all, he is an academic, but seeing how consistent he is with it — especially during this pandemic — provoked some thoughts.
Series 1 of 2

If his example is anything to learn from, it is that successful people have a plethora of great habits that they submit to daily, regardless of inane distractions or actual genuine excuses.
James Clear said it best when he said
“We do not rise to the level of our goals. We fall to the level of our systems.”

These are habits that they have built over time, through great pains, disinterest, and as an incredible show of delayed gratification.
We want to be the next Kobe Bryant, Elon Musk and PYO, but can we do what it takes to get there?
Beyond all the glitz and the glamour that we see, there are hours of rote, boring but consistent hours of work behind the scenes. Rome wasn’t built in a day, but by daily consistent brick-laying and applying yourself, your results are not that far off the horizon. KEEP PUSHING!
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