This, it seems, is what Scottish Tories are content to have instead of leadership. Richard Lochhead was answering the Scottish Affairs Committee's questions and this was how Douglas Ross started -
This was the Minister for Further Education, Higher Education, and Science in the Scottish Government introducing his colleagues, by the way -
Nothing is gained by such behaviour; our job on committees is to look at what's going on and to see whether things are being properly managed. I think Mr Ross failed in that duty here and I think Mr Lochhead was being respectful in the way he introduced his colleagues
I know that people in other parties won't agree with everything that the SNP believes in and that's fine - disagreement and debate are good, they help us all to move forward. Silly attempts at scoring points don't help anyone and that behaviour is insulting to the people we serve
I think it's sad that some folk think that the best they can do is to make 'clever' points when we've got work to do looking at the policy decisions of Governments and what the outcomes of those policy decisions are. Committee sessions can be a bit boring but they have a purpose
It's our job in committee to look at whether Ministers are making things better deliberately (to paraphrase Lord Foulkes) or making things harder for people. It may not be glamorous, it might not make headlines very often, but it's not improved by snide remarks. Rant over!
The poor wee lamb has complained about me sharing those video clips. Bless...
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