In light of the NY AG confirming @NYGovCuomo has been lying about the death toll resulting from his ordering Covid patients into nursing homes, let’s revisit how he’s handled questions into this issue …
In October, Cuomo said these deaths weren’t his fault, instead blaming the nursing homes' staff for “bringing” Covid into their facilities

"We’ve done a full study of it, the virus came into nursing homes from the staff.”
Cuomo then pivoted to blaming the Trump Administration, claiming “federal guidelines:” resulted in Covid patients being moved into New York nursing homes
Cuomo, asked about the directive he signed specifically ordering Covid patients into NY nursing homes, Cuomo dodged again, blaming “cruel” and “reprehensible” Trump for creating the impression he did anything wrong
A couple weeks later, Cuomo claimed the story was a “conspiracy” cooked up by the Trump DoJ.

"They have done a terrible job on Covid from day one, and they want a counter-defense ... the conspiracy they’re trying to spread just has no factual basis.”
In May, Cuomo told NBC it was the federal government’s fault he ordered Covid patients into nursing homes: "The reason that happened was because we had the virus coming from Europe when the federal government told us the virus was coming from China.”
In June, Cuomo used his phony nursing home stats to claim he did a good job. “In New York we’re number 46 in the nation in terms of percentage of deaths at nursing homes compared to the total percentage. … You have 45 other states to point fingers at first.”
On MSNBC, Cuomo again made the strange claim that the federal government reporting the virus originated in China is the reason he ordered Covid patients into nursing homes.
At another point, Cuomo claimed he never signed the order at all.

"I hate to get technical with you but sometimes sometimes these things are technical. There was never a directive that said we will send Covid positive people back to nursing homes."
At another point, he went even further, claiming Covid patients were never sent to nursing homes at all.

“We never needed nursing home beds because we always had hospital beds. … It never happened."
In August, Cuomo said he wouldn’t cooperate w/ an investigation into these deaths because such a probe was “political.” “You’d have to be blind” to disagree, he said.
In May, he was more candid, saying his policy ensured everyone had access to a bed, but — “older people, vulnerable people, are going to die from this virus. That is going to happen."
*Excuse the typos in this thread
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