So to save everyone some time, here are @Glinner's ten questions for @NicolaSturgeon , with the proper answers.

1. Can you define transphobia?

Yes. It is the irrational behaviour exhibited towards those who are transgender, which may include mocking their existence, denying the reality of being transgender, or attack them for being transgender.
2. Can you define transwoman?

No, because there's no such word. A trans woman however is a woman who's gender identity is incongruent with either their genetic sex, or, in the case of intersex people, the sex they were presumed to be at birth.
3. Can you define woman?

Yes. A woman is a person who's gender identity is that of the female; that is their neurological makeup is congruent with the neurotypicality of genetic female humans, resulting in the innate instinctual knowledge of one's sex, even if...
that is incongruent with the sex presumed at birth, regardless of whether such a gender identity is acknowledged or accepted.
4. Are Eddie Izard and Caitlyn Jenner the same sex as my mum?

It is not possible to answer because we don't know what the sex of your mum is. (fnar).
5. <the staniland question>

No, because nobody has a right to undress in front of anyone. There are societal understandings that are adhered to regarding single-sex spaces provided by service providers. The main one being that upon entry to said space you surrender all ...
rights to privacy. In the absence of increased risk (there is no increased risk, empirically proven) if you accept a limitation of privacy from cis women, then refusal to accept the same limitation of privacy from trans women amounts to irrational prejudice.

The Equality Act does not provide the "right to single-sex spaces". It provides the right of the /service provider/ to make spaces available that are single sex in nature, and provides that doing so should treat transgender persons as the sex of their gender identity.

By entering such a space, you accept the conditions of this provision. End of discussion.
6. Do you believe that natal women deserve a word to describe themselves?

No. Having a word to say "I have XX chromosomes" is literally pointless and irrelevant, because society does not discrimination on the basis of genetics, chromosomes or gamete sizes.
Nor on the ability or inability to reproduce. Thus having a word to describe that has no useful purpose, beyond transphobia.
7. Should men play women's sport, despite their many physical advantages?

No, but then trans women aren't men. And sports bodies have their own regulations regarding the participation of trans persons, which usually require having been on hormonal treatment for at least 1 year.
This has been empirically proven because there are no trans olympians (that's competitors, let alone medal winners) since trans persons were allow to compete in 2003, and the rules relaxed in 2015.
8. Should male sex offenders be placed in women's prisons if they 'identify as women' ?

I presume Glinnoid here means genetic males. The answer is no, because prisoners should be placed according to their risk, not outdated sexist stereotypes concerning strength.
9. Where is your respect for lesbians and other gay people being told their sexuality is transphobic?

Nobody is telling anyone this. While trans people find gential preferences to be odd, if that's your bag, you do you. If on the other hand you are attracted to women, and ....
attracted to a trans woman before finding out she's trans, but not after, and you can't justify it as a genital preference, then you ARE, by definition, being transphobic.
10. Where is your sisterhood?

Glinner, go shove yourself in a blender set to max. You are no saviour of women, and have below zero right to lecture anyone about sisterhood.
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