The 7 Deadly Seeds

The Silent Brain Killers that Lurk Everywhere

Time for a THREAD///////
Try finding a pre-packaged food that doesn’t contain a seed/vegetable oil derivative as an ingredient

It’s going to be really hard

It can account for up to 60% of the daily caloric intake for many ppl

And yet the damaging effects that seed oils have on your brain is shocking
Being a chef and cooking for decades in top tier kitchens, it wasn’t even until the last several years when I realized how damaging these products are.

Heard of
There are many sci-studies that link seed oils to these & other conditions

But go into any kitchen: fast food, fine dining, farm to table, even the 'organic' restaurant in the hipster-district and I bet you find a vegetable oil used in cooking


Because these oils are CHEAP
For the sake of this thread I'm just going to highlight how these seed oils attack your brain and cause damage in different body systems

There are 7 ways & what starts as small “seed” of toxicity, over time and with extended use can grow into major, chronic health problems.
1. Attacking Defense System

Vegetable Oils can turn your immune system backwards by destroying many of the beneficial antioxidants that your brain and nervous system requires to thrive and operate on.
1/(cont) Without these antioxidants your nervous system is prone to Oxidative Stress. This oxidative stress produces toxicity, inflammation and has shown to be a major factor in ALS, Multiple Sclerosis, Alzheimers and Parkinson’s to name a few.
2. Gut Check
Did you know heart burn can be caused by vegetable oils irritating the lining of your stomach?

Without boring you with the biochemistry of it, these oils are oxidized in the stomach and morph into the poly-unsaturated fatty acids that inflame your stomach lining
2/(cont)Continuing in digestion through the gut system, studies have shown that the beneficial bacteria present are thrown out of whack over time also effecting brain health through nutrient delivery.
3. Allergies
It has been shown that if your stomach is chronically inflamed with consistent use of vegetable oils, then your white blood cells, which act as your defense system may not be able to distinguish between harmful and beneficial proteins triggering an allergic response
3/(cont)Many food allergies and some gluten intolerances have been remedied by simply removing vegetable oils from the diet.

(I am not a licensed medical professional, do your own research)
4. Brain Health
Your brain needs sufficient blood flow to constantly moderate, operate and maintain your critical body functions. Add to that movement, thinking, and voluntary operations, you can see that your brain is the command center for your entire being,
4/(cont) It turns out that nitric oxide is a big component of healthy blood flow to the brain, and antioxidants protect this.

However excess oxidative stress overwhelms your antioxidant defense and accounts for a lack of bloodflow to your brain; yielding migraines/mini strokes
5. Brain Aging
Due to oxidation that occurs when most veg oils are heated for cooking, MegaTrans fats are produced & delivered through the bloodstream straight to the brain

Its a long, slow degrading over time that starts as a match and eventually ends with a raging forest fire
5/(cont) Over time the brains ability to heal and thrive are progressively diminished by constant barraging of these seed oils.

Of extreme importance are the effects on Traumatic Brain Injury(TBI); a factor that continues to be studied
6. Cell Destruction
Poly-unsaturated fats are filled with toxic compounds from processing and worsened when heat is applied to cook with.

4HNE is just one toxin. It alters cell function and destroys microtubules which are the primary way our minds form new memories

Google it.
7. Mutatations
In an oxidative and inflamed environment, Poly-unsaturated Fatty Acids can mutate and bind to your DNA which can have some serious implications.

There is convincing data to suggest this to be a major component in the meteoric rise in Autism that we are seeing.
Between 2008-2012, the CDC reported a 30% increase in autism rates in the USA. This is just one example, there are many others.

You know how many studies have been dedicated to autism research? Thousands

How many researching cause due to veg oil mutations? None

There’s no way to put all the relevant data and facts into one thread, but I hope this puts a flag on your radar.

Unless you are preparing all of your meals it is virtually impossible to eliminate seed oils from your diet. Could you eliminate 80%? Easily!
This is why controlling what you eat, and having the skills to prepare delicious food are now more important that ever

If you want me to post the Good vs Evil Fats List later,

throw a like and RT!

To our continued and better health!
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