I don't remember who it was that was trying to stunt on cedh players by being like "they can't build casual haha" but like mfer casual is hard to build for. Everyone complains people don't run enough interaction/removal and then complain about payoffs like its fucking hard.
Like you want to run a decent bit of removal but not enough to be considered too much an asshlle for killing stuff, then you want to run interaction but folks hate counterspells in casual so there's that and then you need graveyard hate cuz thats a whole other set of bullshit...
Like its hard to brew with this in mind when you want to run a fun and interactive deck that also does what you want. You want payoffs but not payoffs that piss people off to the point of not wanting to play with you or a slim amount of those at best. I see budget brews...
That run removal and interaction and card draw but also are effectively combo decks that do something splashy and thats it. Casual players say we're fine with that shit but then I've heard more complaints about combo in my time playing in random pods than anything else so...
We arrive at the same idea that this whole could have said in one sentence, why? Cuz I'm an idiot who's bad at effectively compiling their thoughts but my point is, casual is hard to build for and that's always gonna be the case.
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