Mental health and wellness is an important focus of our work in Labrador and across the North. Our team is committed to helping de-stigmatize mental illness and asking for help, and working to improve mental health and mental health services. #BellLetsTalk
Mental health can be difficult to talk about. If you need help or support in NL, call the Mental Health Crisis Line at 1-888-737-4668. For more resources from across Canada, visit #BellLetsTalk
If you live in Nunatsiavut and are looking for mental health support, contact your local Department of Health and Social Development office or check out them out on facebook #BellLetsTalk
If you are in NunatuKavut and want to talk to someone, check out @NunatuKavut mental health counselling services #BellLetsTalk
The factors that influence mental health are complex. Much of our work is guided by a social determinants of health approach. This helps us focus on how we can contribute to broader change in the community and region #BellLetsTalk
For more information on the social determinants of health and mental health, check out this resource from the @WHO;jsessionid=13A1DCAC98D25D5967456B28FE78FF47?sequence=1 #BellLetsTalk
The Public Health Agency of Canada ( @GovCanHealth) has a framework for positive mental health that is useful for understanding the factors that shape individual and community experiences of mental health #BellLetsTalk
In the context of suicide prevention in Inuit communities, @ITK_CanadaInuit has identified risk and protective factors that are necessary to recognize and can help direct collective action #BellLetsTalk
The new School of Arctic and Subarctic Studies is an important step in our work to strengthen post-secondary education in Labrador, and contribute to a key social determinant of mental health #BellLetsTalk
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