@Redpainter1 I had my second Moderna vaccine yesterday. Quite a difference in side effects from the first one.
First one- arm pain, couldn’t sleep on that side. Nothing else.
Second one- same arm pain. Then about 12 hours from the injection, mild headache, chills, nausea.. (1)
And stomach pains. The chills worsened through out the night. Eased up around midnight, the nausea also subsided by then. The stomach pain was like bad gas, adding it helped. Then about one am went to get up to use the restroom, became dizzy. However that quite possibly could (2)
Could be from dizziness I’ve already been dealing with from something else I’ve been battling for a bit. This morning, headache, general fatigue weakness. Most likely I will call go home sick if it doesn’t improve. Coffee seems to have helped the headache. (3)
No rash or anything like that, that others have been experiencing.

Just a flu like symptoms.

But, even with those side effects, it’s a minor inconvenience compared to getting Covid, being intubated and placed on a vent. When it comes to your turn, still get it please.
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