Brilliant and necessary piece.
A seemingly small detail here might actually be the whole enchilada.

Manly men at magazines are very possessive over display copy — headlines, pullquotes, coverlines and clickbait.
This is essentially ad copy and, as @jenzerb makes clear, it can be used to cut against and reframe articles entirely.
This is partly why so many writers left out of the boys-club hard-drinking Sterling Cooper part of media find their pieces misinterpreted.

Because the bros are writing the headlines — and that’s all anyone reads.
This is way less true at daily newspapers — for print, anyway.

But when I was at magazines the guys all wanted to be @JonahPeretti & try their hand at $$$ SEO. So the online headlines were often by bros.
The fix is simple, just try it out:

Give display copy to nonwhite people or nonmen people or both.
Create transparency around display copy to cut down on misleading headlines.
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