1/ For 4 long years Dems, joined by media, Big Tech & BLM/Antifa, did nothing but RESIST President Trump- from not attending his inauguration, to labeling his win illegitimate & stolen via Russia, to tearing up his State of the Union speech on live TV...
2/ Moreover, rather than help the POTUS during a severe health crisis, they USED it to relentlessly attack him, blaming him for every #COVID19 death- the # of which was inflated to make him look as bad as possible & to set a pretext for massive mail-in voting
3/ All this was done as they trashed & ignored Trump's amazing success with the economy and jobs, trade deals, ME peace agreements, prison reform, etc. Remember how they attacked Trump on hydroxychloroquine? Well suddenly, #HCQworks again...
4/ And now that their mission to destroy and remove Trump from office has advanced, amazingly #Covid19 is no longer a crisis in Dem-run states? With more deaths happening now than before, they're still ready to reopen- because Trump's out!
5/ But the lust for power knows no bounds. They are trying to unconstitutionally impeach a President who has left office, for "incitement to violence/insurrection." They have, as always, no proof! And their only goal: ensure Trump can't run in 2024.
6/ Yet with all this, these losers have the unmitigated gall to call for UNITY! These partisan, power-hungry, hypocritical liars who demonized Trump 24/7 want to cancel him forever, and this remains their #1 priority- even after his exit from the WH!
7/ Don't fall for it. Permanent power is their aim & their globalist, socialist/communist agenda is rapidly unfolding. We will continue to call out the fraud they perpetrated on this country, and truth is on our side. They have NO moral ground to censure us..
You who silence and cancel those who disagree with you; who murder babies in the womb; who falsely slander and smear millions as racist; you will face justice at the appointed time.
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