“Watching how Iranians warmly embraced [ #JCPOA] as a path back to the modern world, [ #Iran’s hardliners] saw a slippery slope to regime change.”

And therein lies an effective & sustainable strategy to deal with the IRI: maximum opportunity instead of...👇 https://on.ft.com/3iRYOwF 
maximum pressure in order to empower the society, enabling it to drive the change organically from within. The society’s ability to cause structural change towards democratization has been systematically undermined by sanctions & poverty. No wonder toxic ideas & ideologies...👇
like nationalist pan-Iranism ( #Iranshahri) are rising. Or growing calls for the Bomb as an ultimate deterrent that a nation-state like #Iran is believed to deserve. This isn’t good for the region, nor for the West, in the long run.
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