Not. The justices are finally waking up to the politics by asking Zuma for political direction in a faction A and Faction B matter they wouldn't under normal circumstances be forced to make a legal call in a factions issue. Are you following? #InAweOfZuma
So I begin with a bit of history for some context; On president Zuma's first appearance he told the commission and the whole world that there was a plan hatched in 1991 or even prior to "Destroy Zuma", that plan had all the makings of an intelligence plan....
Intelligence being his speciality as a trained intelligence person who would also lead the ANC's intelligence in exile and just before the #Codesa negotiations(we know how Joe Slovo hijacked them using Cyril). The great storyteller in him got us glued to.....
Our devices(mobile and immobile) listening to the Godfather of Africa and global politics in simple English. Now back to today's #Concourt order: Justices were without politics(understanding why they were elected to serve on the bench as blacks........
White judges know why they get elected, for what purpose, they do. #Factionalism and #Politics are not neighbours, not synonyms either. Politics is Black and White not in black or white. This liberal neutrality is as big a farce as democracy (a failure)....
In the US they have liberal and conservative judges, the latter being mostly Christian, it's clear in State Supreme Court judgements right up to the US Supreme Court. This is because you can't separate politics from Justice. Christians have their judges......
Liberals have theirs too. See the difference between politics and factionalism? Today you witnessed judges playing a role never envisaged post 1994, they also never thought #Zuma would make it this far, rattling the system until it grinds itself to a sudden..
Unplanned halt as the one person they feared then and still fear now is letting the #Apartheid machinery the #ANC refused to dismantle is dismantling itself right infront of our eyes in pursuit of Zuma.That's how powerful Zuma is,whether you acknowledge or...
Not. The justices are finally waking up to the politics by asking Zuma for political direction in a faction A and Faction B matter they wouldn't under normal circumstances be forced to make a legal call in a factions issue. Are you following? #InAweOfZuma
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