1/ LOVE @tntradioempire, where I’ve been referred to as a little sister, mother and “another wife,” so yeah-things are starting to get a little weird now….but I still love them!
Listen live, online, steaming-just LISTEN. You won’t regret it (after awhile 😉).
See thread ⬇️
2/ While there may be no technical “lethal toxicity” to LSD or psilocybin, that doesn’t mean they can’t cause sig & sometimes permanent harm.
Promising studies in mental health are in *monitored* settings & doses.
(Also-don't do drugs, kids!) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK553216/
3/ Your anus is not a unique fingerprint for you; or rather, it is unique—just like millions of other anuses out there.
One long poop is just as healthy as several small ones (just w/that extra sense of accomplishment).
And I’m just gonna leave this here: https://twitter.com/DrsMeena/status/1354607516706091014?s=20
5/ But the US isn’t in a place of higher authority on issues of sexual violence.
It is estimated that someone is sexually assaulted *every 73 seconds* in this country.
And with COVID & lockdowns, those numbers are likely worse-& underreported.
6/Moving onto #COVID: I want to share this @drsforamerica Vaccine FAQ Toolkit.
Please: check it out. Share widely. & if you are in health care, plz contact me to add you to our map!
We all need to educate & reach out to combat misinformation & hesitancy. http://dfavaccinetoolkit.com 
7/ But also please remember: vaccinations are just ONE PART of beating #COVID19.
The virus has NOT figured out a way to mutate to beat a mask!
So: #MaskUp.
Even if you are vaccinated. Even if you're young. Especially if you are inside (I don't care how distanced you are).
8/ There is some promising news that perhaps schools are safer than imagined-IF they can implement mask-wearing & social distancing properly.
A great thread outlining the studies & implications ⬇️ https://twitter.com/meganranney/status/1354274723748786176?s=19
You can follow @DrsMeena.
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