I had a really good conversation with @autgeek yesterday on clarity in communication and I wanted to share some things as I think it's not just useful for us, but for many people.

We were talking about working with others and how clarity is so important. /1/
And also where the onus sits in terms of ensuring clarity in communication, and how it looks as a communication breakdown.
@autgeek reminded me that it's not my fault I need clarity, rather times when such breakdown happens, there isn't an environment that enables mutual support (including insight on autistic being and experience) to start with and it's them/this that's caused the problem /3/
I feel this is important to share as power and communication are so tightly intertwined, and I think this can be forgotten in academia (relevant as a PhDer) and in life more generally. The impact of such a communication breakdown can be deep and fester/linger. /end/
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