Groups like us are always banging on about making cities "more walkable".

But what does that even mean?

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Luckily, the nerds, as usual, are to the rescue!

Specifically -- this nerd: Jeff Speck.

Urban Planner, writer, and owner of a handsome smile.

Speck has developed a General Theory of Walkability: a 10 step (get it?!) guide to the walkable city.
A General Theory of Walkability?! you say...

A 10 step (!) guide to the walkable city!?, you cry...

Where can you learn about this beautiful piece of urban thinking?

Right here my friends. Right here.
Step 1: Put cars in their place.

The car is a servant that has become the master. Cars shape our cities, destroy our health and dominate our lives. Our cities won't ever be walkable until we limit the spaces where cars can dominate.
Step 2: Mix the uses

People won't walk unless they have somewhere to walk to. That means we need to build houses near coffee shops near schools near workplaces near restaurants near clothing stores near green spaces near newsagents near oh you get the idea.
Step 3: Get the parking right

Have you ever heard anyone say "let's go take a stroll in that lovely car park around the corner?"

No. Because walking in carparks sucks. So you can't let your city turn into one.

Charge for parking, and wherever possible, hide it.
Step 4: Let Public Transport Work

Walkable cities rely on public transport. There's no point in living in a gorgeously walkable neighbourhood but then needing a car to visit anywhere outside the city centre. Walkable cities need buses and trains and the sexiest of all: trams
Step 5: Protect the Pedestrian

Hopefully this one goes without saying but folks won't walk around your city if they spend any of that walk worrying that they might get hit by a car and die.
Step 6: Welcome Bikes

Anyone who says the cyclist is the enemy of the pedestrian is wrong.

Walkable cities are bikeable cities, because cyclists thrive in environments that support pedestrians AND because cycling makes cars less necessary.
Step 7: Shape the Spaces

You know how sometimes when you're in a really large space you tuck yourself up in a corner because it makes you feel more secure?

Turns out pedestrians feel the same. Large, open spaces aren't as pleasant as you might assume. Build edges.
Step 8: Plant trees.

Trees are NICE. They make cities COOL. Sometimes they have FLOWERS. Birds like them also have we mentioned that they're NICE?
Step 9: Make Interesting Spaces

Blank walls, parking lots and aggressive advertising does not a walkable city make.

We need interesting shopfronts, spaces to stop and explore and basically keep us from getting bored and jumping in a cab.
Step 10: Pick Your Winners

The hard truth is that not every city street can be walkable. So pick where you invest. Start with the high street, and leave the exit ramp to the airport for another day.
So what do we mean when we talk about campaigning for everyday walking in Lambeth?

We mean more trees. Better cycle lanes. Thriving high streets. Properly funded public transport. Street art. The end of storing private cars in public spaces. Not dying on a stroll.
If any of these things are up your street (get it?) then join us!

The great thing about walkable cities is that the more people that walk in them, the more walkable they become!
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