Censorship: A Runaway Tsunami


@discord shut down the Wall Street Bets server yesterday. This is very concerning to me. You should be concerned too.

You think this is the end?

Not even close, this is just the beginning.

[thread] https://www.theverge.com/2021/1/27/22253251/discord-bans-the-r-wallstreetbets-server
When Twitter banned Trump, I was happy. I suppose I was shocked at the permanent ban, but I still feel like Trump was only going to make the situation worse. He needed to go.

Admit it, life has been better the last few weeks without Trump on Twitter.
However, after listening to @DavidSacks, my opinion has changed.

The First Amendment includes the right to assemble. We don't gather on soap boxes anymore, we gather on social media.

So what do we do when our places of gathering are controlled by private companies?
First, we need to address what is happening with Wall Street Bets.

In the same way Facebook took the power away from big media and put it into the hands of everyone, Robinhood is doing the same with markets.

Now retailers have access to the same tools and knowledge.
What we saw with Wall Street Bets yesterday was bigger than a bunch of Gen Z's "sticking it to the man."

What is happening is the democratization of the stock market.

Just like media, stocks are now being taken over by "the swarm."

The establishment is terrified.
Retailers have every right to find good positions and act on them. These retailers took on hedge funds and won.

When billionaires lose, all of the sudden "the markets are volatile."

But when regular folks lose, "that's just the free markets."

Last night, @discord released a statement explaining why the Wall Street Bets server was banned.

The cited "hate speech."

It's ridiculous. We all know it's a complete fabrication.

The establishment is trying to keep control of wealth by removing people's place of assembly.
So where does that leave us?

In summary.

Retailers played by the rules and won.

The establishment is now up in arms because for the first time, it looks like money will flow away from billionaires and into the hands of regular people.

How do billionaires react?
They enforce censorship.

The banning of the Discord server is the establishment saying "we don't like that you're beating us, so we are going to destroy your right to assemble."

It's a First Amendment issue.
Like @DavidSacks said recently,

"Censorship starts as something you like, then becomes something you don’t." https://twitter.com/DavidSacks/status/1354600470552080390?s=20
Wall Street Bets is the real Occupy Wall Street.

These people are doing what the OWS movement attempted.

Wall Street Bets was able to create such ground because instead of protesting, they took the establishment's money.

That's how you get people's attention.
What we are seeing is a fair and "American" redistribution of wealth, being combatted by censorship.

This battle is just getting started, and in the long run, the people will win through continued decentralization.

But the fight will get dirty.
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