Re GameStop+ I’m standing on a pile of I-told-you-so’s from my CNBC show days...
- they refused to let me ever use the word ‘gambling’ when it came to the stock market - (um helloo)
- the stock market is not the economy I said (the mens loved to heckle me on this one) 1/
- I called equity in the markets ‘phantom’ money (it doesn’t exist until it’s sold bc $ could disappear in hours)... I was no bueno
- I told viewers not to trade/buy individual stocks unless they could afford to lose the $... super no bueno
- in crash of 2008/09 = I said HOLD ON - if u don’t need it now, it’ll come back... I became a punching bag on air

Granted, my show/beat was for individual investors not day traders/Wall St. I know the power of equity to borrow against, etc.. but not for 98% of folks. 3/
The emotions of humans, perceptions, greed, fear drives markets.

And now too, access to tech + information the individual investor has never had before. GameStop/AMC/NOK/BB + may get real nuts but it is our new realty.

Wall St needs to deal. Main St is leveling the field.
And I did this as a brown woman in a white male space over 10 yrs ago. Never question my fortitude.*

*however, I am super f***ing tired...
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