Ok so why not trust the NHS despite the legal and testing issues with the vaccine. I mean it is the NHS right?
The Contaminated Blood Scandal in the UK arose when at least 3,891 people, most of whom suffered from haemophilia, became infected with hepatitis C.
Thousands of patients were introduced to breast surgeon Ian Paterson. The 59-year-old, who has been found guilty of wounding with intent, appeared trusting, kind and with their best interests at heart. But he left them disfigured and suffering years of mental and physical torment
The Shipman Inquiry
Thalidomide tragedy?
Limbs can fail to develop properly, in some cases also eyes, ears and internal organs. No-one knows how many miscarriages the drug caused, but it's estimated ... 10,000 babies ... Many were too damaged to survive for long. Fewer than 3,000 are still alive.
The Stafford Hospital scandal
Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust is now braced for a flood of new claims as the biggest maternity scandal in NHS history unfolds.
The failings at Stafford Hospital are considered one of the biggest scandals in the history of the NHS
Mums blamed for deaths of their babies in NHS's worst ever hospital maternity scandal. Minister for Patient Safety and Maternity Nadine Dorries
Find out about faulty PIP breast implants, including why they are banned, and the latest safety information on removal and replacement.
The Alder Hey organs scandal
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