It continues: “Transgenderism is a social and historical construction not a biological one, & will increase or decrease as a result of social forces."
Another one: “pornography called sissy hypno hypnotises men to feel as if they are women for the purpose of sexual excitement."

They also claim that non-binary people “have been produced by popular culture and may not exist in the future”.
These are quotes from anti-trans campaigning groups who said this in a submission to the Women's and Equalities Committee about the GRA. The phrasing of 'practicing' and 'created' and 'decrease' suggests trans people are a contagion that can be eradicated. It is absolutely vile.
Being trans is not a lifestyle. It's not something you 'practice', no more than you 'practice homosexuality'. Trans people won't 'decrease' if they aren't accepted - we'll just become invisible. We've always been here and we will continue to exist regardless.
Just like gay men, lesbians and bisexual people were forced to hide their sexual orientation, trans people have had to hide their gender identity and expression. We're finally reaching a place where trans people can just be themselves. And the pushback is toxic and vile.
This is despite thousands and thousands of examples and real life stories of people across the world. This is despite all major health care institutions recognising that trans people do indeed exist. This is despite a wealth of evidence to the contrary. They're denying reality.
The mask really is off. These groups are now full-blown campaigning to get rid of trans people from this country. Obviously they will never succeed, because trans people will always be here. We will always persist, no matter what bigots say.
In a country that has such an ugly history with Section 28 and it's treatment of queer people, this is truly is appalling. It's as if nothing has been learned from history. The sheer denial is astounding. This type of discourse is dangerous to the safety and dignity of everyone.
Trans people deserve to feel safe and respected in society. We suffer disproportionate levels of hate crimes and discrimination, that is no doubt fuelled by dicourse like this that is normalised and allowed to fester. We need to challenge it at every turn.
If you care about human rights, justify and dignity, please say something. Help us challenge this deep-rooted transphobia and speak up. Let people know this isn't acceptable, because it won't stop until we eradicate it.
Unlike trans people, bigotry CAN and should be eradicated. Otherwise we will never create a safe, open and just society, where everyone can be who they are and don't have to hide parts of themselves. Stand up to transphobia. We need you.
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