Okay I know I said I wasn't gonna comment on it again but

A Transformers fan shitting on Thomas fans for being upset with this is such cognitive dissonance

I'm also a Transformers fan, so this pisses me off. TTTE has this rich and deep history behind it thanks to Wilbert's
desire for realism, developing a massive history of the landmass the railway's exist on that's barely fucking touched by the stories, which were based on real events.

Transformers was literally created to sell toys, no more. But it's developed into something similar to Wilbert's
work, with a rich history of Cybertron as well as works such as the Covenant of Primus that tell deep backstories you don't need to read to enjoy the related media.
Transformers is also for children, but it grew up with it's audience, developing into something much deeper and more detailed in the process.

There's many more kids shows that have adult fandom's surrounding them, the only thing that makes Thomas different is that those behind
the show have deliberately dumbed it down over time, to the point where the books and series 1 - 7 barely register outside of us. We're thought of as weird because the thing we like has deliberately ignored us instead of maintaining the reason it originally became popular
A Transformers fan getting weirded out by this is dumb. "It's for kids". So's Transformers. Drop it.

Pretty sure if Transformers just suddenly dropped everything and did such drastic changes such as Bumblebee being recharacterised as a child the Transformers fandom would go nuts
Alright, rant over.

Last time I talk about it. Ever.
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