Morning. Live-tweeting again, now from this penultimate @bigtownplan session...
@ball_helen kicks off by making the point that Shrewsbury is a multi-generational town.
First up; @joejamesbarratt on young people & town centres. Wants High Streets planning to be about addressing all issues facing young people: income; employment; housing; ... young people have bit hit hardest through Covid...
... 'Generation Rent' are facing a housing catastrophe right in to their old age unless we do something about it...
... students are studying closer to home
... but young people increasingly struggling with education straightjacket...
Giving examples of young people using Minecraft to design places.
... now reinforcing messages from earlier sessions about health benefits of welcoming, green, interesting town centres.
Crime: providing opportunities that reduce pull towards petty crime (which grows serious crime..)
Now discussing air quality- a silent killer.
Calling for 'transformative initiatives' for young people like...
It's a big question!
... 89% of young people have never been asked about the future of their neighbourhood. Nearly half of those who have 'engaged' weren't impressed 🤨. Leaders need to do better
Next up Adam Purnell @shropshirelad83 the towns youth work leader.
@ShrewsburyTC youth service set up in 2015 is bold, coming out of Shropshire Council closing theirs 😠
... 'short fixes just don't work.
Young people need to know that you are always going to be there'. Wise words.
Need to inspire... but also taylor to bridge gaps cos different young people will have had different struggles and histories
Right now young people in Shrewsbury are facing these challenges...
Now asking big questions about how to embed young people on @bigtownplan ideas. Shame the bigwigs from previous sessions are here to answer that! (Apart from @ball_helen obvs 😉)
Looks like some good work done on this...
Media squad sounds great... getting youth responses to what's happening in the town.
Now Q&A. Firstly on walking and cycling. Joe makes point that huge drop-off in learning to drive. Young people want places where they don't have to rely on a car.
Q about democracy and young people. Young mayor? Young town council? Adam positive about this - also youth parliament...
Ouch! @ball_helen says 'be afraid deputy mayor!' (That's me 😎). Be happy to have young apprentice!
Q on climate change. Adam makes point that young peoples perceptions of the problem vary too! Still work to do. (Absolutely: why we need always to link climate action to making our lives better)
Q on whether young voices are really getting through (my question 😁). Joe says give young people actual power.
My take: Leaders have to lead by... sharing leadership!
Q. What might be missing in @bigtownplan for young people? (Again my q 😉). Adam says... now is the time to ask them!
That's it. Next session tomorrow is last one.
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