Recently I have been discussing with a friend that how “Feminism” have different definitions when it comes to regions, countries, cultures, & privilege.
I am not denying any concept of Feminism neither I am talking about it’s Type.
When people in 1st world countries talks about -
Feminism, for them firstly It’s about the rights women are deprived of in that particular country. Their feminism might not start from equal education opportunities but something their country is deprived of,
Similarly when women in Pakistan talk about Feminism, they do not-

initiate it for women to walk in streets nude.
Our approach of Feminism is different from regions, cultures, and countries around us. For us even “right to vote” is Feminism, right to have safe space in public transport is feminism, right to have access to information -
is Feminism.
What I have noticed in people around me from Pakistan is that when you talk about Feminism, they do not look at the basic rights of women but want to cling to the feminism of other progressive countries.
You can not just say that you believe in Equal Rights-
You can not just say that you believe in Equal Rights but You do not believe in Feminism. That is just pure bullshit. Either you don’t know what basic human rights are or you simply do not understand Feminism.
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