As you can see, it really looks like people in elite institutions have given up on trying to tell the truth, and have instead decided to go all in on trying to manipulate society for their benefit.

And *THAT* is the bluff that r/wallstreetbets is calling...

This condition where appearance matters more then reality, where what you can get society to believe is what is true, where people believe truth is a matter of who controls the narrative and the discourse....

That condition has a name: It is called postmodernism.
We should not be surprised when, as I have shown, journalists, academics, and institutions would rather rewrite past articles and change the meaning of words then alter their beliefs in the light of new information.

Narrative over truth.
And we are living is postmodern times and the ideas of postmodernism hold sway in our institutions and public life.

I'm not sure where this goes, but I know in the long run reality wins, and r/wallstreetbets just made large group of hedge funds crash on the rocks of reality
They made foolish bets and tanked Game Stops stock for fun and profit, and r/wallstreetbets called that bluff....hard.

By the way, for what it's worth....

I think r/wallstreetbets is correct.

Welcome to postmodernism, where professional financial institutions lie and its left to internet message boards to call the bluff.

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