1. A)Yes , monotheism does mean there is one God & all other gods are false.
But your statement that it also mean " that God is my God " is misleading . It depends on the doctrine of that monotheistic religion . https://twitter.com/sankrant/status/1354464534698680322
But your statement that it also mean " that God is my God " is misleading . It depends on the doctrine of that monotheistic religion . https://twitter.com/sankrant/status/1354464534698680322
From Islamic monotheism , Allah never said that he is Creator of Arabs . He is Creator if all in creation . So from a doctrinal pov your statement doens't hold up .
B ) how did u write Advaita = hindu philosophy ? Do u want me to mention difference between Advaita and dvaita ?
B ) how did u write Advaita = hindu philosophy ? Do u want me to mention difference between Advaita and dvaita ?
" There is no concept of shirk in Hinduism " . This is a red hearing , No One claimed Hinduism also has concept of shirk .
2. Tribal God ? In Islamic doctrine . No where it says Allah is Only God of Quraish tribe .
It was always " ilahi n Naas " , not to mention islamic was always about one's belief & not race/ethnicity , So it was never tribalistic in its Nature . https://twitter.com/sankrant/status/1354467939194335234?s=19
It was always " ilahi n Naas " , not to mention islamic was always about one's belief & not race/ethnicity , So it was never tribalistic in its Nature . https://twitter.com/sankrant/status/1354467939194335234?s=19
& If someone's doctrine is to be Questioned for being tribalistic , It's Hinduism . It's a ethnico religion . Originated on the banks of Indus river , With special mentions to " Aryans " in 4 vedas.
Even after 4000 yrs , 95% of it's followers live in India .
Even after 4000 yrs , 95% of it's followers live in India .
Looks like a tribalistic religion which remained tribalistic in 2021

3. A ) So Those who surrender unto Jesus Christ makes no difference ( acc. to Hinduism per ur understanding ) . https://twitter.com/sankrant/status/1354469343690518529?s=19
B )Christians are as much saved for next life as Hindus are . If suppose all Hindus convert to Christianity & Nothing of Hinduism left on Earth . It wouldn't make a diff. Because Acc. to you , no matter who they pray to . It's Acceptable under Hinduism ( per ur understanding )

then it would be hypocritical for any hindu to feel bad if anyone converts to Christianity , Islam or Buddhism .
C ) now , you Quoted 9:23 . Lets see 18:63 of Gita .
Ohhho , this looks like a clear Contradiction as now krishna says surrender exclusively unto him . So that universal consciousness is Krishna ?
Ohhho , this looks like a clear Contradiction as now krishna says surrender exclusively unto him . So that universal consciousness is Krishna ?
Now a Question for Mr. Shakrant , wht if someone rejects Krishna Existed ?
1. For if you say it doesn't matter as long as he does Good karma in life , then Hinduism itself doesn't matter . As people can do good acts without Hinduism . Why should Anyone convert to ur religion ?
1. For if you say it doesn't matter as long as he does Good karma in life , then Hinduism itself doesn't matter . As people can do good acts without Hinduism . Why should Anyone convert to ur religion ?
2. If you say No Krishan is Brahman & must be loved ( as written in Gita ) , then this nullifies ur first Argument where u said monotheism is about " tht god is my God " .
As it is case with Hinduism that there is One UC , that is my UC & it's Krishan .
As it is case with Hinduism that there is One UC , that is my UC & it's Krishan .
4. Again if the Doctrine Always said God is Creator of all things & he is One .
Whether you call it " ek ishawarwaad " or " ek devtavaad " , it doesn't make any difference. https://twitter.com/sankrant/status/1354471524883853318?s=19
Whether you call it " ek ishawarwaad " or " ek devtavaad " , it doesn't make any difference. https://twitter.com/sankrant/status/1354471524883853318?s=19
5. My shoe is more real than the imaginary " Universal Consciousness krishna ." Kinder too. Definitely gentler and more worthy of respect than the cruel, vindictive, jealous and insecure imaginary " UC Krishna " https://twitter.com/sankrant/status/1354503234283442177?s=19
who didn't stopped kurukshetra war where millions died including Childrens .
Classic strawman & red hearing from u again .
*I don't know how problem of evil in the World is an argument in your favour . As for putting people in " hell " it exist in Hinduism too .
Classic strawman & red hearing from u again .
*I don't know how problem of evil in the World is an argument in your favour . As for putting people in " hell " it exist in Hinduism too .
6. Neither hell , whiskey , Sex , heaven , Virgins ( 1000+) , religious war to get heaven etc is Alien to Hinduism .
So how is this an argument in your favour.
You look like a man who doesn't have legs but is going around body shamming others
So how is this an argument in your favour.
You look like a man who doesn't have legs but is going around body shamming others

7. That's a strawman . Nobody says it's a prove that Allah Exists . It's an argument to show word Allah is not a specific god's name like Krishna or rama .
Allah means God . That's the only thing people mean by this statement ! https://twitter.com/sankrant/status/1354520203330109440?s=19
Allah means God . That's the only thing people mean by this statement ! https://twitter.com/sankrant/status/1354520203330109440?s=19
Another red hearing which is debunked many times , & not even an argument in your favour as I can say a god who created caste system , Approved slavery & heaven with 1000+ apsaras is certainly fantasy of a Brahmin who wanted to establish a hierarchical Order to rule people.
8. But human slavery isn't a sin in Hinduism as well
! I'm Amused by your lack of self Awareness .
You're ranting about things which Exists in your religion & from here I Only see you're just repeating the same BS .
Total Worthless . Lol

You're ranting about things which Exists in your religion & from here I Only see you're just repeating the same BS .
Total Worthless . Lol