you aren’t actually living. you may be coping, you may be losing weight, you may be gaining stricter control over what or when you eat, you may be a few sizes down in clothing,
you may be moving towards the body you “want”, but are you truly living? are you truly living when you get to your ugw and you automatically lower it. are you truly living when the number on the scale determines your happiness for the day, when the number of calories you consumed
determines how satisfied you are, how content you are. when seeing yourself going under a certain limit puts you at ease? is it truly living when you can’t go to anything social, when you miss out on hanging out with friends or family bc you don’t want to eat? life isn’t centered
around food, weight loss and exercise. it’s not. there’s supposed to be balance. there’s supposed to be HEALTH. there is so much more to life than your food tracking app, your 10k steps, your severely low calorie intake, your strict rules and restrictions around food. life is
going out with friends and ordering an oreo and nutella waffle. life is eating chocolate whilst watching a movie. life is looking in the mirror and feeling content, feeling at peace with yourself. life is eating when your hungry, listening to your body, having what you’re craving
you may be alive with an ed, but are you truly living?
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