Glad to see the freedom of expression amendments to the Scottish Hate Crimes Bill. Of course there is a distinction to be drawn between hate speech and discussion of the public policy implications of protected characteristics. The latter needs to be protected against accusations
of bigotry, but also to be conducted in a manner that avoids offensive stereotyping.
A further thought, prompted by the different wording of the FoE amendments re age and transgender identity, OTOH, and religion, OTOH. At the heart of the issue about where to draw the line re legitimate discussion of trans issues/hate speech is, I think, disagreement about the
nature of trans-identity. For many trans people and their allies, it is an objective fact, akin to age; for gender crits and others it is a belief about oneself, more akin to religious belief, which attracts less protection against offensive speech. But that characterisation may
itself be deeply offensive if you don't think trans identity is merely a belief about oneself.

Quite hard to see a way out of that fundamental different in world view.
Apologies if this is all bleeding obvious, and apologies also if anyone is offended. Not my intention.
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