
So since http://intangible.market  is down at the moment, I can't provide the latest valuation of the $WHALE Community @nba_topshot collection....

What I can do is with the $WHALE Vault audit coming out soon, give you my thoughts on valuing NFT assets:

At the moment, the $WHALE Vault is being valued predominantly on past successful sales.


The $WHALE Vault NBA collection that has received so much attention, is being valued on available market pricing (price floor).

I've said this before, but ultimately valuations on NFT assets need to be 3X time-dimensional in nature and take into account the past, present and the future:

Past successful sales is a safe approach, but does not take into account current market scarcity.

Current market pricing takes into account market scarcity, but (sometimes) not reality.

Both do not take into account longer term future growth prospects.

The ultimate pricing model for NFTs will need to take into account:

1, Past sales levels
2, Current market pricing (floor)
3, Predictive analytics on long term pricing

And melding all 3 levels into a comprehensive assessment of a NFT's price.
You can follow @WhaleShark_Pro.
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