Fraudsters are using Covid to get their hands on your data - and your money. Don’t get caught out.

Here's the lowdown on all their latest scams. 👇

Help keep your friends and family safe by spreading the word. #TakeFive. Stop. Challenge. Protect.
The NHS will let you know when it’s your turn for a vaccine by letter only. So warning lights should flash if you get any texts or emails from your GP or the NHS asking for personal or bank details for ‘verification’. They would never ask for this. This is clearly a scam.
Look out for fake emails, texts or calls claiming you’re entitled to a support grant or tax-refund due to coronavirus. The aim is to get you to hand over personal information or card details. Criminals use that info to call you back, pretending to be from your bank’s fraud team.
Beware if you’re contacted by ‘Test and Trace’ demanding payment – by phone, email or in person. This is a free NHS service. Any payment demands are a scam.
Always be wary if anyone comes knocking. People are trying to sell counterfeit or offering to vaccinate you at home at a sky-high cost. NHS vaccinations are free. Don’t trust anyone selling them. If your GP has arranged for you to be vaccinated at home that will also be free.
You can follow @NatWest_Help.
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